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St. Louis Counseling

St. Louis Counseling at Change, Inc. – We’re Here to Help!

Many people truly wonder what counseling is all about.  In fact, some people’s misconceptions about counseling are precisely what prevents them from ever getting the help they need!  At Change, Inc.  our St. Louis Counselors listen and help you find solutions to problems you might be facing.

Counseling is not about:

  • “Judging” you…
  • Viewing you as a set of problems or a diagnosis…
  • Providing quick fixes, or trying to pretend like we’ve got all the answers…
  • Telling you what to do, or making you do things you don’t really want to do…
  • Putting you in frightening or anxiety provoking situations…
You can rest assured, we’re here to help at Change, Inc. St. Louis Counseling!  
Why not call us today?  1-877-5-CHANGE (1-877-524-2643)!


How Do I Know if I Need Counseling?

Been wondering that yourself?  St. Louis Counseling may help if you have been experiencing:

  • Thoughts that won’t go away…
  • Arguments with your spouse or partner that seem to happen over and over again…
  • A growing sense that something may be wrong in your life…
  • Physical symptoms that you or your doctor attribute to stress…
  • Difficulty sleeping…
  • Trouble concentrating at work or school…
  • Feelings that you have a hard time explaining…
  • Behaviors that border on addictive.

Counseling in St. Louis at Change, Inc. can help you pinpoint problems, and understand aspects of the problems that may be improved.  

You can rest assured, we’re here to help!  Our style of counseling is unique in St. Louis.  We specialize in an approach that helps you:

  • Develop a more positive outlook on life.
  • Identify thought processes that contribute to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.
  • Explore how you learned thoughts and behaviors that maintain problem cycles.
  • Re-establish a sense of  well-being, and take back control and pleasure in life.
  • Learn how to get the help and support you need from family and friends.
  • Discover personal strengths and how to use those strengths to grow stronger in other areas.

St. Louis Counseling can help you identify the things that contribute to difficulties in your life, and to deal effectively with thepsychological, behavioral, interpersonal and situational causes of those difficulties.

Myths About Counseling in St. Louis

Myth: Going to counseling is a sign of weakness.

FACT: Entering counseling is taking the first step in resolving difficulties.  Especially in a culture that praises rugged individualism to a fault, it takes unbelievable strength to reach out and ask for help.

Myth: Counseling is only for people with serious emotional problems, or for mentally ill people.

 FACT: It is true that people who are really struggling benefit from counseling.  But just like cars need regular tune-ups, people who are not on the brink of break-down strongly benefit from counseling.  As a matter of fact, because of their higher functioning, people who are only struggling a little may actually benefit more than those who aren’t!  People often seek and benefit from counseling in St. Louis for issues such as work or academic difficulty, relationship or marital difficulties, family struggles, problems adjusting to new or challenging situations, managing stress, or finding direction in life.

Are You Looking for St. Louis Counseling?  We can help!

Our therapists aren’t just expert counselors – they’re agents of change!  They can help you reduce your anxiety by improving your thinking, helping you adjust areas of wellness, guiding you through practices of meditation and mindfulness

Get your life back today!   Start by making this simple call.

1-877-5-CHANGE (1-877-524-2643)!

We can schedule you immediately!

 Nervous about calling?  Email us at!